It's incredible what depression can take from you. It can take your self esteem, your appetite, your trust, your connection to the Spirit, and any other emotions besides. But I know for certain that it can't take everything forever.
These past few weeks, I have found myself falling into a spiral. Things seemed more gray, and every emotion was faded. I haven't been really hungry for maybe a month. My anxiety was through the roof- there were times I couldn't talk it down, when the dark thoughts came so hard and so quickly that I had no defense against them. In this time, I turned outwards for help. That was only a temporary solution, but it was the only solution I had.
I still studied my scriptures, but found little light. I went through all the motions of friendship, but struggled to love. I tried spending time with others but found myself exhausted, wishing only to be alone. Trying to get out of bed became more and more difficult. But I noticed none of this. It was so gradual, and didn't feel odd at all- that's the thing about having a mental illness- if it's all in your head, it's much harder to recognize. It becomes easy to assume that perhaps God has abandoned me, that I have sinned some great sin and must pay penance (which, for the record, is not how God works).
Then, this week, I have discovered peace again. I had new roommates move in, and our apartment is more comfortable than it has been all summer. It actually feels like home. There is light, there is space, and I can breathe. I have felt more relaxed. I can feel happiness again. This morning I felt so much gratitude for the life I have been blessed with, for the support I've been given, and how things consistently fall into place exactly how they're supposed to be. Yesterday and today I felt as if I received spiritual light and revelation during my scripture study- something that gets to be a struggle when I'm in a bad place. I felt the Spirit so strongly, a reminder that God is still there. My Savior knows me, and has never left me.
But again, all of this has been so gradual that I didn't really recognize what was happening- until last night, I was having dinner with my boyfriend, and for the first time in a while, I ate a lot of food, and he pointed it out (side note: He's always making sure I eat, even when I don't feel that hungry). That, in turn, sparked the realization for me that I felt better, happier, more vibrant, motivated to do what needed done, and perhaps even more. That I felt like myself, for the first time in a while.
So the point of all of this is, I suppose, to always have hope. The darkness always subsides. The sun always returns. The Spirit is always there, even if it is hard to hear. I have learned that, no matter how dark the way, as long as I cling to my Savior, to the iron rod, to my friends and family, and desperately, so desperately, to hope, that everything works out, and eventually I will feel like myself again.