Monday, April 27, 2015

To Discuss

There are a few things I wish were more discussed. The first of those is mental illness. I wish that it was less taboo and more openly discussed. Perhaps then, not only would there be fewer misconceptions about the topic, but it would be considered more acceptable and more people would understand how to properly react to it. I know finding out that people I know are struggling with these every day is a hard thing, and I wish every day that I knew better how to react.

The second thing is specifically within the LDS Church- I wish that gender identities and sexual orientations were more openly discussed. After all, it is something that all of us will inevitably face in our lives, whether it's a friend, family member, or sometimes ourselves. I know that recently I have realized one of my greatest fears is that my child will have a different sexual orientation or gender identity....because I have no idea how I would deal with it. I wish this topic was discussed within the Church so that members could better know how to react, accept, and love, while still standing up for the truths of the gospel. As with mental illness, there would be fewer misconceptions and more people who can accept and properly react to it. Not that sexual orientation is even comparable to mental illness.

The third thing is that I wish it was socially acceptable to speak out about our difficulties. I know for me, it's harder because it seems like no one else is struggling with the same things, or what I'm struggling with is, for lack of a better word, lame. I wish it wasn't that way, that people could speak out and be accepted. I suppose this actually ties together the other two, because mental illness is of course a struggle, and hiding a sexual orientation must also be extremely difficult. So I guess what I want is a world of trust and open, respectful discussion. That's my dream.

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