As conference comes up, I've been pondering a lot of questions and I'm hoping that this weekend will help me finish answering them. Hopefully you all know that I've been planning on serving a mission. Well, lately, I've been questioning that decision, for a multitude of reasons, the first being fear. I am afraid to leave all of this behind for a year and a half, just when I'm finally settling in. The second reason is passion. Perhaps as a result of my fear, I cannot find my passion for the work. The Gospel is true, and I have a strong testimony, but sharing it is intimidating. The third reason is, of course, what if I got married? Not that I'm anywhere close to that, obviously. I haven't even been on a date in months (though it's been a bit of a relief- I have more time for homework). But there is the ever-present what if.
Yet a mission also offers so much. Perhaps in accepting a call to serve, I will be blessed to find that love for missionary work again. Perhaps I will be blessed with an even greater community when I return to Provo. Perhaps the Lord has something greater waiting in store for me than anything I can imagine now. I know many returned sister missionaries, and all of them are so spiritually strong. I do want that strength for my future family. So I am tentatively deciding to remain with my decision to serve a mission.
This is my hope for General Conference: That I will hear words to comfort my heart and calm my soul, to assure me that I am choosing correctly, despite what I'm leaving behind. I know that, if I remain faithful, the Lord will aid me in this.
This weekend is not only Conference weekend, but Easter weekend as well. My wonderful family sent me my favorite candy as a part of a "finals care package" and I intend to consume it with care so it lasts forever. This candy can only be found at Eastertime, and my family always gets it for conference. Of course, this has nothing to do with the real purpose of Easter- it's just something I'm excited about. Easter really is a celebration of our wonderful Savior and His atonement. In ASL, we learned the sign for "repent" the other day, and the thing that struck me was how similar this sign is to that for "change." The only difference is that "repent" utilizes the shape of the letter "r" rather than "x." Repentance truly is change. Though we may fail and fall down, with the aid of the Savior, we can continue to try and one day truly change. Easter is the time of year to celebrate this gift of change. The Church released a video, either last year, or a few years ago, that perfectly portrays the Easter spirit.
I think, this Easter, I will honor m Savior by beginning to index again. I haven't for a long time, probably over a year. But just this past Sunday, we had a speaker teach our third hour about family history work, including indexing, and his message touched my heart. I want to help those that came before me. And I know indexing can help me as well- we watched a video about a man who began indexing as a tool to combat addictions, and he found his way back to the Church.
So this Easter, I'm challenging you to do something different in your life. Reach out to someone new, or start a new goal. And of course, endeavor to improve, and become closer to God. All my love to all of you!
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