Saturday, April 5, 2014

All Problems are Created Equal

Yes, that's right. Only it doesn't mean what you think it does. And now you want to know what it does mean, I'm sure.

In my life, there have been times where I've had trouble (obviously). Often I try to go to people for help because that's what people do isn't it? We all rely on each other.

At these times, I'm hoping for sympathy, empathy, a listening ear.

What I'm not looking for is to be told that my problem is dumb.

This has happened several times, leading me to develop the view that "all problems are created equal" in a way.

You see, to me, whatever was going on had huge significance to my life, though the thing that set it off may have been small. I am blessed to live in a first world country, and as such, my problems are not horrible. However, I do not believe in a "dumb" problem or a "wrong" problem. It could be the worst thing that person has gone through. They may need your support just as much as those with worse problems.
I guess what I'm saying is that nobody's pain should be disregarded. No matter how insignificant it may seem. It could be the tip of an iceberg, or a side effect of a larger problem. It could be that they just need a friend.

And lest I forget, what damage does disregarding pain-even the seemingly insignificant-do? Well, I have a hard time trusting those who tell me my pain is dumb, even with the more important stuff. For someone with whom it's an iceberg, you could do irreparable harm to them. It could be the last straw before they do something drastic. It could worsen the issue to a point where it becomes extremely serious. It does damage to friendships.

Please don't disregard anyone's pain, because there's always a story behind it.

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