If a ship puts down an anchor, it is held in place. It can only shift in a tight circle around the spot where the anchor is lodged. The tide will pull at such a ship- and any ship for that matter- attempting to bring the ship into its motion and to push it out to sea.
There are anchors on land too, although they're a little less heavy and a little more metaphorical. Anchors such as religion, family, and friends. Specifically friends.
My friends have been, in the past, my anchors. They have kept me grounded and kept me in perspective. They have kept me in the right and always supported me in my decisions while not being afraid to express their concerns as well. Yet in the end, they were my anchor and support.
Until recently, that is.
My anchors have become the tide, I feel. They push and pull at me and what little anchoring I have left in the two or three friends that I still truly trust. This tide has come close to bringing me "out to sea" time and time again. While I wasn't watching, secure in my "anchored" position, they began to erode and become one with the sea. Yet still I believed them to be anchors and began to trust the tide to keep me in place.
It took me a long time to realize what was happening, and a huge amount of effort to pull my "ship" back into place. I was forced to find new anchors, and to strengthen the anchor in my own soul against their tide. Even now, it is difficult to work against the pull of my old anchors-turned-tide.
People often change. New people can often be nearly the opposite of who you think they are. Friends can be both tides and anchors for our moral, emotional, and perhaps even physical, well-being. They can support or push and pull beyond the circle allowed by an anchor's leash. Be careful in your choice of anchors- they may in fact be the tide in disguise.
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