Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I heard something interesting in my mission prep class earlier this morning, and though I can't remember the exact quote or reference, I remember the gist of it. And it's something I really want to think about.

Basically, it was that we are saved through fire.

Sinners are put to the flame, right? Flame does not just destroy, however- it also purifies. Like a forest fire that clears the way for new growth, we are purified through fire.

There's a reason that we hear about purification by fire and by the Holy Ghost so much. Sinners are put through the fire and emerge as saints. Sinners die in the flame, our inner forest is purified and cleared to make way for Him.

It's a fascinating concept to me. So often we view the fire as something bad and evil, the lake of fire and brimstone for sinners, but can the fire be a blessing?

The fire is not literal, obviously, at least not in this life. It is our trials and experiences. They forge us into better people.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but hostility whatever point I'm making is getting across.

The sinners die in the fire, and we are reborn through Him.

1 comment:

  1. When strong wood is put to fire, strong coals remain... tinder evaporates into smoke as it is quickly consumed. A sinner would create their fire with more tinder than future embers, a future saint with strong wood.
    A comparison I mentally made running through this.
