Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Five Words

I recently read this post over at the blog of my friends' RA, and decided to take the challenge. It was to describe yourself using only five words. So here goes!


Okay, that's the simple part. Kind of.

I think I'll analyze/explain them now.

Feel free to stop reading. I won't be offended, promise.

This is a funny exercise, because I'm pretty sure the words would change, depending on the day. The experiences of my day have shaped how I think of myself this evening.

CONFIDENT: I am confident in who I am. I am confident in my with as a person and secure in the life I live. I am where I am supposed to be, and doing my best to be all I can. And in the end, there's no call to ask for more than someone's best, am I right?

INSECURE: Even though I'm mostly secure in who I am, there always gonna be something. My legs, my nose, my inherent desirability (as mentioned in the last post) and even sometimes doubts about the confidence that I have. That's part of being human, but it's enough of a struggle for me that it makes my list of words.

BELIEVER: I have so much faith, okay, religious and otherwise. In everything. I believe the best of everything. I believe in God and His gospel. I believe in my friends and in certain kinds of magic. I believe in miracles and in joy.

DREAMER: Constantly. I live in my dreams, through my dreams. I write them, I draw them, I remember them, I create them. I dream of fiction and of my future. I dream a lot of things.

CONSTANT: I don't change who I am. I try to be trustworthy, to be kind and sure, to be a rock when the world is roiling around us in a mass of sin and hurt and pain. If there's something you can count on, it's that I'll always be a friend. No matter what. No matter what I feel for you, what our past is, what you feel for me, whatever. You need a friend, I'll be there. Constant. I'll give my best to be the kind of friend that I want to have.

The end! If you got this far, then you are awesome. Have one free hug, to be redeemed next time you see me!

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