Wednesday, December 31, 2014


There's something magical about the change to a new year. It's kind of strange. After all, it's not between seasons, or even between years of school. It's arbitrarily placed just after midwinter. Of course, it does make sense to position it there- now things will begin to warm again and the earth will renew. New life, new plants, and a new start.

I am excited for this new year, for the chance to begin my first full year as an adult. There's a lot of wonderful things happening this year- I have two cousins (cousins-in-law? Is that a thing?) that are ready to pop! And I will be eligible to serve a full-time mission for the LDS Church in July. I'm enrolled at BYU, and next semester's classes will be great. I've got a job I love, friends I can trust, and times to look forward to.

This past year has been an interesting one. It has held, for me, so much growth. There were some regrets, some pains, and many mistakes. So much happened, both because of my decisions and out of my control. My grandmother had numerous surgeries that culminated in getting her kidney removed. She finally looks and sounds like herself again! There were family issues and family joys. This was the year my dad wrote AND published a book (it's called Driving Lessons for Life and I'd recommend it even if it wasn't my dad who had written it). This was the year I began writing in earnest (and then kinda slacked off for a while). This year, I had a disastrous relationship that taught me a lot about love, about myself, and about the person I want to become. This year, I graduated high school. I thought that high school was pretty fun, but after a semester of college, I think it's safe to say high school pales in comparison!

This next year, I have plans. I will write. I will draw. I will blog. I will be a better friend and a better human being. I will begin a mission. I will work hard and play hard and dream big. I will eat healthier (and more- I have this sneaking suspicion that I've accidentally skipped dinner many a time). I will be the girl I want to be, and strive to become someone I wouldn't mind seeing in the mirror every day. I will make an effort to be closer to God and find more depth in my spiritual life.

2015, I'm ready for you. It's going to be a fun ride.

On a side note (totally unrelated and not serious at all) one of the first sentences I uttered this fine year was "It wasn't have anything in it," in reference to a cup that almost got knocked over. Hopefully not a reference to the future of my English major or anything....

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