Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Battery Life

What would you do if my battery ran low? ran out?
If my screen stopped glowing
And I failed to receive your signals?
What if I broke down for the last time?

Would you see me breaking? cracking?
Humans can't buy their hearts protective casings
It's funny how we panic and cry at the loss of a phone
Rather than paying attention to the people

If your battery ran low, I would allow you to recharge
Sleeping quietly, breathing softly, dreaming
If your screen stopped glowing, I would be more heartbroken
Over the loss of your shining eyes

To lose you is a greater loss
Than any cord or battery life can try to replace
To miss you is so much more
Than just not having a device in my pocket

We live in a world of battery life and cords tethering us to walls
Glowing screens and disconnection
More emotion over loss of signal than loss of health
We live in a world of digitality

There's a reason people are bigger than TVs
And that the world is large enough to fit us all
It's unlimited, that reality out there, holding more than is imaginable
How could we choose the world that fits in a woman's pocket?

I think we have lost some of the most important signals
In our search for bars and battery life
There's a lot of beauty in the world
Away from these tiny screens

In a world of digitality, we have to choose
To live in the grand world with its wonders set before us
Or in a pretender, a faux, a failed clone
I choose humanity

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