Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wasting Time

This is a time filling blog before my shift starts in 27 minutes. So it'll be pretty disconnected and rambling, but what else is a girl gonna do?

Hmmm.....what to write about.

Crazy friends. I have a lot of those. They're still wonderful though, and I think I wouldn't love them as much if they were what most people consider normal. (even if at least one of them has said she ships me with all the guys). They do push me to be better and to try new things. We did this fun photo/video shoot the other day for a project that Heather wanted to do. She's making a video interpretation of a poem that Ben wrote. Some of the pictures are up on her blog now (and check out her poetry too, it's beautiful). My friend Matthew and I got to act all coupley, though we aren't a thing. It was really fun to get to be creative. And also Heather is one of very few people who somehow manages to get pictures of me that I actually like. Chances are these days, if I put up a picture of me, she took it. Incredibly talented.

Halloween is tomorrow! Isn't that just crazy. I'm going to be a Dalmatian, Heather is Cruella de Vil, and Matthew is a hippie. I don't know about anyone else as of right now. But we're havng a party and there will be pictures.

Also, food for Halloween parties is expensive. I spent over $20 on stuff last night, and considering we only had to buy a very small amount of stuff (we have most of what we need between me and Matthew) that's a lot of money. Especially for a college kid. But it's totally worth it. And we're going to attempt to make candy corn! I'll try to get pictures of that too.

You know what's nice? Inspiring people. People who make you want to be better. My friends are like that too. They make me want to be smarter, more spiritual, just a better person. Just so I can come equal to how awesome they are. It's been really amazing to watch as just about everyone in our little group prepares to go on a mission. I do wish we did more study/prep for that together, at least every once in a while. But I'm also lazy and won't plan it, so it is kind of my fault that we haven't yet. Maybe it could be a Sunday thing. I'll consider proposing it.

Speaking of being lazy, it's also a great thing to have friends that you can tease mercilessly and have them tease you back and neither of you are ever actually really offended because you know it's just joking. (At least I hope that's the case). So shout-out to Matthew who teases me about everything. It's pretty fun, actually.

Everything is just falling into place, you see. I can see where my life is going to go, generally. There's a few things I'm unsure on, and a little confusion, but it's decreasing day by day. I know where I'm going and who I want to be and that's amazing to me, after being unsure for so long. If this is what growing up feels like, then I'm glad to not be Peter Pan. Growing up is not bad at all.

One of those confusions, oddly enough, is my major. I've wanted to be an English major basically since emerging from the womb, but being here, I'm discovering more of a passion for fine arts. But it will be worked out.

Anyway, twelve minutes until my shift. Hmm....I only need five to get ready and clock in and stuff. What else is on my mind.

Good hugs. I love good genuine hugs. Not necessarily spine-popping, but not super weak and lazy. Just genuine real caring hugs. I love those so much. They make my day, no lie. But also quality time (love languages coming out here). I love being able to spend hours with people without getting bored. Once I said that it was impossible to click with anyone so quickly that you could immediately just talk to them for hours, and I'm happy to say that I was wrong. Case in point: the people I spend time with. For hours. Not bored. Specific case: last night's shopping trip for the Halloween party. And whenever Heather comes over. I guess that's two cases.

Anyway, better get going- eight minutes until my shift! Might as well be a bit early

Have a great day and don't forget to be grateful :)

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